hahahah amol hacked ur ip address

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Amol Bhure (ultra l33t) was born in Maharashtra, Seventh July Of Nineteen Hundred Nineteen Ninety A.D. He's currently pursuing his B.E in Bangalore. A cyber Security Professional, Hacker, Designer, Programmer. Keen interest in hacking and network security and he developed several techniques of defending and defacing websites. He's of the opinion that people should learn this art to prevent any cyber attacks. Currently Amol works as a member of 'Null International', Bangalore chapter as a network security guy. Apart from this, he has done internships at YAHOO! India, AMAZON India, etc. He has also attended various International conferences like NullCon GOA, c0c0n, ClubHack, Defcon , SecurityByte, ICFoCS, OWASP, etc.. He is certified with RHCE, LPT, CEH v7, SCJP, AFCEH. In programming he knows stuffs on C, C++, C# , JAVA (SCJP), .NET , and PHP. Additionally he knows few hardware languages like HDL, VHDL, Verilog, Embedded Micro controller Programming. He has been featured on google hall of fame. Amol was named a "India's top 10 hacker" by google. "World's top 50 hacking blog" by google.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Watson Computers : Next Generation of Computer

Watson is an artificial intelligence computer system capable of answering questions posed in natural language.
Developed by IBM.
What is Watson : Follow the story of the development of Watson from a modest DeepQA machine to a formidable Jeopardy! contestant. Watch the videos below to see how Watson represents a leap forward in data analytics and how this technology will impact business and industry.

The Science Behind an Answer....
The challenge in building a computer system like Watson lies in developing its ability to understand the language of a clue,
register the intent of a question,
scour millions of lines of human language, and return a single, precise answer - in less than three seconds.
Find out what is going on inside the Watson mainframe to accomplish this feat.
“We all want to know the right answers to questions. And it isn't the same thing as searching for possibilities or options, which we do everyday."

Why Jeopardy!?...
The game of Jeopardy! makes great demands on its players – from the range of topical knowledge covered to the nuances in language employed in the clues.
Can the analytical power of a computer system – normally accustomed to executing precise requests – overcome these obstacles?
Can the troves of knowledge written in human terms become easily searchable by a machine in order to deliver a single, precise answer?
Can a quiz show help advance science?
“IBM is not in the entertainment business. But we are in the business of technology and pushing frontiers.”

A System Designed for Answers....
Operating on a single CPU, it could take Watson two hours to answer a single question.
A typical Jeopardy! contestant can accomplish this feat in less than three seconds.
For Watson to rival the speed of its human competitors in delivering a single,
precise answer to a question requires custom algorithms,
terabytes of storage and thousands of POWER7 computing cores working in a massively parallel system.
Watch to find out how building smarter systems like Watson involves optimizing hardware and software into a solution greater than the sum of its parts.
“The POWER7 system is tuned for very rapid deep analytics of massively parallel problems.”

The Next Grand Challenge...
Over the last century, IBM has reached numerous scientific breakthroughs through its commitment to research and its tradition of Grand Challenges.
These Grand Challenges work to push science in ways that weren’t thought possible before.
Jeopardy! The IBM Challenge poses a specific question with very real business implications:
Can a system be designed that applies advanced data management and analytics to natural language in order to uncover a single,
reliable insight — in a fraction of a second?
“We look at areas where there's an enormous gap in current capability and use that as a challenge. We call them Grand Challenges.”

Preparing Watson for the Jeopardy! stage posed a unique challenge to the team: 
how to represent a system of 90 servers and hundreds of custom algorithms for the viewing public.
The result? A dynamic visual avatar based on the smarter planet icon. A speaking voice that clearly pronounces a vast vocabulary. 
And an answer panel that reveals the system’s top responses and confidence levels. Watch the video to find out more about each of these elements

Watson was optimized to tackle a specific challenge: competing against the world’s best Jeopardy! contestants. 
Beyond Jeopardy!, the IBM team is working to deploy this technology across industries such as healthcare, finance and customer service.

After competing against the two greatest Jeopardy! champions of all time, 
the technology behind Watson will now be applied to some of the world’s most enticing challenges.
Watch the video for a breakdown of the match from the IBM team members as they look toward the future. 
Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter also weigh in about the accomplishment.

Monday, August 22, 2011

All Important Things About Google+

This isn’t every single thing there is to know about Google+. That could probably be a book rather than an article, and the Google+ Project has only just begun. If Google has its way, it will live on for years. Or it could go the Google Wave route. It’s just too early to tell.
Do you think Google+ will succeed? .
While we’ll no doubt learn plenty more about Google+ as time goes on, here are some quick nuggets to get you a little more acquainted with it.

  1. Google+ is currently available on an invitation-only basis.
  2. Google does not consider it a Facebook competitor (at least publicly).
  3. Google+ is currently available for download as an app in the Android Market.
  4. When you download that app, it splits off the “Huddle” feature as a separate app.
  5. Users can post status updates, and these appear on the Google Profile under a tab called “Posts”. The +1’s and Buzz tabs remain separate. I have to wonder if we’ll see Buzz and Posts merge eventually.
  6. What is available now is “just the beginning” according to Google. These are just the first features or presumably many more to come.
  7. Circles is one current feature. It lets you share things with different people (kind of like Facebook Groups) but with a very different user interface.. Watch above 1st video:
  8. Another feature is Sparks. This looks for 2nd videos and articles it thinks you’ll like, so “when you’re free, there’s always something to watch, read, and share..
  9. Hangouts is another feature. It’s basically group video chat. Google describes it as “the unplanned meet-up.”
  10. Instant uploads is a mobile-specific feature. Photos upload themselves as you take them, and are stored in a private area on the cloud.
  11. Huddle is another group-conversation feature for mobile. Essentially, it’s group chat.
  12. The Stream
    1. The stream is basically the equivalent of the Facebook news feed.
    2. When you share something with Google+ it’s added to your stream and the stream of everyone you shared with.
    3. The stream shows you what all of your Circles have shared with you.
    4. If you mention a user, using the “+” or “@” symbols, the person may receive a notification that you mentioned them.
    5. You can see who specific posts were shared with in the stream – whether they were shared publicly, to extended circles, or a limited group.
    6. You can filter the stream by specific Circles.
    7. You can chat directly in the stream
    8. You can report inappropriate content.
    9. You can search for people from the search box at the top of the stream.
    10. Soon, Google says you’ll be able to search the stream itself from the search box.
    11. If you leave comments on a post, you can edit or delete them.
    12. The same goes for posts, but you can’t edit a post’s sharing settings after the post has been shared. However, you can delete the post and share again to different circles.
    13. You can “reshare” posts made by others (like retweeting).
    14. You can “mute” a post. This will let you stop receiving updates from a post, like if the comments get out of control for example.
    The Google Social Network
    1. You can use the “Google+ Bar” that appears at the top of various Google products as your connection to the social network.
    2. When you’re signed in you’ll see your full name or email address displayed with a photo or avatar next to it, to help you identify which account you’re currently signed in to.
    3. If you’ve enabled multi sign-in you can sign in to two different Google accounts and switch between them using the Google+ bar.
    4. When you sign up for Google+, you’re also signing up for Picasa Web Albums, so all photos and videos uploaded to Google+ (including from your phone via Instant Upload) will also be available in Picasa Web Albums.
    5. You can use the Google +1 button from the stream.
    6. You can have a ton of friends on Google+. Robert Scoble quickly added over 1,000.
    7. The central user interface is very Facebook-esque.
    8. Google+ quickly became the butt of a lot of jokes (and even cartoons), but has also received a great deal of praise thus far... above image
    9. With Google+ Google adds a “You” link to the recently redesigned (painted black) navigation bar across Google properties
    10. You can view public Google+ content without actually being invited (Danny Sullivan has a guide on how to view it )
    11. China is already blocking Google+. That didn’t take long.
    12. Invitations have been listed on eBay.
    13. There are already privacy concerns about Google+ but the Privacy Guide can be found here.
    14. According to the Financial Times article, you can share something within a closed “Circle,” but somone from that circle can then reshare it with anyone, and even make it public.
    15. Is Google+ destined to bring real competition to Facebook or will the hype fade? Share your thoughts here in the comment box.
    16. thank u :)

HI friends after a long break me comeback ...

I got few message from  known and unknown peoples.  Regarading G+. So i'm going to post few important things about GOOGLE PLUS (G+).. enjoy :)