hahahah amol hacked ur ip address

Sign by Danasoft - For Backgrounds and Layouts


Amol Bhure (ultra l33t) was born in Maharashtra, Seventh July Of Nineteen Hundred Nineteen Ninety A.D. He's currently pursuing his B.E in Bangalore. A cyber Security Professional, Hacker, Designer, Programmer. Keen interest in hacking and network security and he developed several techniques of defending and defacing websites. He's of the opinion that people should learn this art to prevent any cyber attacks. Currently Amol works as a member of 'Null International', Bangalore chapter as a network security guy. Apart from this, he has done internships at YAHOO! India, AMAZON India, etc. He has also attended various International conferences like NullCon GOA, c0c0n, ClubHack, Defcon , SecurityByte, ICFoCS, OWASP, etc.. He is certified with RHCE, LPT, CEH v7, SCJP, AFCEH. In programming he knows stuffs on C, C++, C# , JAVA (SCJP), .NET , and PHP. Additionally he knows few hardware languages like HDL, VHDL, Verilog, Embedded Micro controller Programming. He has been featured on google hall of fame. Amol was named a "India's top 10 hacker" by google. "World's top 50 hacking blog" by google.

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

So you want to be a programmer, huh ?? Here are 27 ways to learn online

So with that sound advice in mind, let’s move to our in-no-particular-order list of learning resources (if you have more suggestions, PLEASE list them in the comments!).


Best Regards,

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Creating an Apple ID without Credit Card in India !! :P

Apple has been a fascinating dream for Millions around the world and due to their quality standards, they've protocols which makes the users sit in a golden cage :D There has been no possibilities till date to create a new Apple ID without the help of Credit Card :)  But here you go, ;) ;) there is always a workaround for any problem :P The solution seems to be very simple if you follow the steps which i mention below. Make sure you don’t miss any step, if you've any queries post it down in the comments section with your mail ID and you’ll have it cleared write away.

Steps to Create a new Apple ID without Credit Card:-

Download iTunes from the Apple Website.
Install them with Administrator Privileges in your Windows based PC.
After the installation is over, open it up and switch to iTunes Store. Make sure that you aren't logged in with any existing accounts.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and change the country to ‘United States’.
Now go to the App store and download any free app listed over there.
Now, iTunes will prompt you to create a new Apple Account and for this time, you’ll be seeing an option of  ‘none‘ for you to select. Click on it and complete the process. And now, you've your new Apple ID which has been created without a Credit Card.

Do share this article with your friends, let them too be benefited. Always remember, sharing is caring.

Subscribe me here @ facebook : https://www.facebook.com/codedevloper

Best Regards,
Amol Bhure.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Introducing Google Fiber

Google Launches Fiber

In a bit of tangential news, Google has now launched its internet service in a select few cities. The upshot? Free internet plans available and the paid plans go up to a full gigabit. Color me impressed!

How Fiber Optics Work

Google Fiber: How to Get It

While it’s not entirely clear how soon this will spread around, or if at all, it’s a welcome move away from the tyranny of our current ISPs. Oh, did I mention Fiber is going to be data uncapped? I’m truly envious of the people who are indeed going to get this service first.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Installing Aircrack-ng on Ubuntu 12.04

In the process of compiling aircrack-ng from source, I hit a lot of errors mostly to do with a variable called -Werror. This is what you need to do to compile aircrack-ng without the pesky errors.

sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
wget http://download.aircrack-ng.org/aircrack-ng-1.1.tar.gz
tar -zxvf aircrack-ng-1.1.tar.gz
cd aircrack-ng-1.1

In the aircrack-ng-1.1 directory there is a file called common.mak, use your favorite editor to open the file and scroll down till you see the following line:

CFLAGS ?= -g -W -Wall -Werror -O3

Delete the -Werror variable, so that the line now looks like the following. Save and exit.

CFLAGS ?= -g -W -Wall -O3

Run make and make install to get aircrack-ng up and running.

try :
sudo make

and then :
sudo make install

Best Regards,
Amol Bhure

Friday, July 27, 2012


Download your latest Backtrack Copy from this link here .

1. Install Bactrack to Hard Disk

BackTrack Clean Hard Drive Install

This method of installation is the simplest available.
The assumption is that the whole hard drive is going to be used for BackTrack.

--Boot BackTrack on the machine to be installed. Once booted, type in “startx” to get to the KDE graphical interface.
--Double click the “install.sh” script on the desktop, or run the command “ubiquity” in console.

--Select your geographical location and click “forward”.  Same for the Keyboard layout.
--The next screen allows you to configure the partitioning layout. 
The assumption is that we are deleting the whole drive and installing BackTrack on it.

--Accept the installation summary and client “Install”. Allow the installation to run and complete. Restart when done
--Log into BackTrack with the default username and password root / toor. Change root password.
--Fix the framebuffer splash by typing “fix-splash” ( or “fix-splash800? if you wish a 800×600 framebuffer), reboot.

BackTrack Dual Boot Installation (XP / Vista / Windows 7) :

2. BackTrack Dual Boot Install with Windows (Tested on Win 7)

This method of installation is the simplest available. The assumption is that the you have a Windows installation taking up all the space on your drive,
and you would like to resize and repartition your drive to allow a BackTrack install alongside your Windows.

--Boot BackTrack on the machine to be installed. Once booted, type in “startx” to get to the KDE graphical interface.
--Double click the “install.sh” script on the desktop, or run the command “ubiquity” in console.

--Select your geographical location and click “forward”. Same for the Keyboard layout.
--The next screen allows you to configure the partitioning layout. The assumption is that we are resizing the Windows 7 partition and installing BackTrack on the newly made space.

--Accept the installation summary and client “Install”. Allow the installation to run and complete. Restart when done.

--Grub should allow you to boot both into BackTrack and Windows.
--Log into BackTrack with the default username and password root / toor. Change root password.
--Fix the framebuffer splash by typing “fix-splash” ( or “fix-splash800? if you wish a 800×600 framebuffer), reboot.

3.Install BackTrack Live to USB (Unetbootin):

USB Live

Backtrack Live USB Install

This method of getting a live install to a USB drive is the simplest available using Unetbootin.
Note that we will format the USB drive and erase its contents.

--Plug in your USB Drive (Minimum USB Drive capacity 2 GB)
--Format the USB drive to FAT32
--Download Unetbootin from http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/
--Start Unetbootin and select diskimage (use the backtrack-final ISO)
--Select your USB drive and click “OK” for creating a bootable BackTrack USB drive
--Log into BackTrack with the default username and password root / toor.

4. Bactrack 4 VM Install

Install Backtrack in VMware:
--Follow the basic install instructions here ( 1st step ) to get BackTrack installed in a VMware machine.

--Log into BackTrack. To install the VMWare drivers, the kernel source and headers need to be in place. 
By default in the BackTrack 4 final release, the kernel (denoted by {version} ) is configured and ready. 
However in some cases, you might need to make sure you have the latest kernel sources by typing in:

apt-get update apt-get install linux-source cd /usr/src tar jxpf linux-source-{version}.tar.bz2 ln -s linux-source-{version} linux cd linux zcat /proc/config.gz > .
config make scripts make prepare

--Now that your kernel sources and headers are in place, run the “Install VMWare tools” for the specific guest VM.
--Mount the VMWare tools virtual cd, copy over the VMWare tools package and run the installer:
mount /dev/cdrom3 /mnt/cdrom cp /mnt/cdrom/VMwareTools-{version}.tar.gz /tmp/ cd /tmp/ tar zxpf VMwareTools-{version}.tar.gz cd vmware-tools-distrib ./vmware-install.pl

--Complete the VMWare tools installation as required. Run “fix-splash” to reintroduce the green framebuffer console. Reboot.

5. Installing nVidia Video Cards:

Those of us using Nvidia Chipsets... After finishing the HDD install:

Start Networking and connect to the internet.

/etc/init.d/networking start
wicd && wicd-client &

Find your card:

lspci|grep nVidia
My lspci output

Now go to nVidia Driver Downloads. Select the card that you have (as highlighted on my lspci in the above linked image), and download the driver for 32-Bit Linux TO YOUR /root DIRECTORY.

Once it's downloaded, press <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<Backspace> to kill your X session.

Now type the following on the command line (Press the TAB key at <tab> for tab completion):
sh NV<tab>
And hit the <Enter> key. Run through the installer.

Now run:
apt-get install nvidia-settings
Now, when you're back in the BT GUI, click the KDE Menu (little dragon, bottom left-hand side of the screen) and you will find Nvidia X Server Settings under the System menu. @amol

You're done, and X is configured to like your card! :)

6. How to Start Networking in Backtrack:

This is always a huge topic and it seems simple to many of us but the fact of the matter is we have a lot of "new" people so we need to be clear about this sort of thing. (Note all commands should be run as root or with sudo)

1. To start networking in Backtrack 4 final issue the following command.

/etc/init.d/networking start

This will attempt to start all the interfaces in the /etc/network/interfaces file.

root@bt:~# cat /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp

auto eth2
iface eth2 inet dhcp

auto ath0
iface ath0 inet dhcp

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp

If you don't have or don't want some of these interfaces then simply remove the from this file and they will not start.

If you need to set a static IP just set the variables in the /etc/network/interfaces file

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

You will also need to make sure you set a nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf

root@bt:~# cat /etc/resolv.conf

So for example if all you have is eth0 and wlan0 on your system and you want them both to get a adress via DHCP then remove every thing else for the file with the exception of the lo interface. Here is a example.

root@bt:~# cat /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp

Now if are lazy and want all this to start at boot you can simply issue this command as root

update-rc.d networking defaults

This will create all the proper sym-links

What about ssh?

So while I am on the subject I may as well go over ssh. In order to use ssh on backtrack 4 final you need to generate the keys first.


after that you can start ssh like this:

/etc/init.d/ssh start

or you can add it to the boot sequence like this:

update-rc.d ssh defaults

Well thats enough to get up and running. I hope this was somewhat helpful to any one just getting started with backtrack.

for connections and GUI tools you could start "wicd Network Manager"
# /etc/init.d/wicd start
then use wicd-client to configure your wireless interface(s) look under the [Internet] menu.

7. Getting Broadcom Wireless card to work in BackTrack :

So you are new to BackTrack and your wireless doesn't work out of the box?

No problem!

There are several ways to solve this problem and I'll show you two ways!

All this ways requires that you have a ethernet connection ( a wired connection ).


Using jockey-gtk
This is the most simple one.

Log into BackTrack as root and run these commands:

/etc/init.d/networking start
apt-get install jockey-gtk

Then follow the instructions on the program that starts.

Downloading drivers manually
Go to: Broadcom.com - 802.11 Linux STA driver
And download the tarball for your system (32 or 64).

Run the following in the terminal:

/etc/init.d/networking start
tar xzf nameoffile.tar.gz
cd thefolderyouget
make clean

Now let's check if you have any conflicting drivers (you shouldn't, they doesn't come with BT.)

lsmod  | grep "b43\|ssb\|wl"
If any of these are installed, remove them:
rmmod b43
rmmod ssb
rmmod wl

Then let's insmod the driver:


modprobe lib80211
insmod wl.ko

Congratulations! You are up and running! :P @amol

Note: You maybe have to start network through the KDE "start menu" before you get the WICD manager up, then you should see networks.

If you can't connect to a wireless network, try changing WPA supplicant driver.

Don't forget to give us your feedback. 

Best regards,

Monday, April 23, 2012

New Smiley Code for Facebook 2012

Many people still dont know how to use Facebook Smiley when they are chatting on facebook.

Facebook has actually upgraded their chat modul several times so we can add more smileys than the old ones.
This new chat code we are talking about is really a new ones released in the year of 2012. This list of smileys is not animated though,
we will discuss it on another post for Animated Smiley Code on Facebook
What we have to do to insert the new smileys is simply type or paste the code on your message or chat box at facebook. Here are the chat codes :

That’s all for now. The above list of smiley will probably be updated later depends on their update. Happy chatting on facebook

Add Profile Box Using Facebook Application

Most of my friends who are eager on developing facebook application ask me about how to create add profile box to their profile.
Here, i’m gonna show you how to make it. Lets assume that you already understand the basic steps to create facebook application using php platform.
setFBML – That’s what we’re gonna use to add the profile box, you can read more about it on Facebook Developer Wiki
Sets the FBML for a user’s profile or Facebook Page, including:

The content for the profile box on the Wall tab
The profile box for the Boxes tab, both narrow and wide
The FBML for a mobile device
There are several steps to add content to a User’s profile with profile.setFBML:
interact with the user to gather compelling content
call profile.setFBML
induce the user to click on an Add to Profile button
(optional) induce the user click on an Offline Access button or otherwise grant this permission
Interacting with the user to gather compelling content is highly dependent on your application.
You may achieve this in one session, or it might require several interactions with the user.