hahahah amol hacked ur ip address

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Amol Bhure (ultra l33t) was born in Maharashtra, Seventh July Of Nineteen Hundred Nineteen Ninety A.D. He's currently pursuing his B.E in Bangalore. A cyber Security Professional, Hacker, Designer, Programmer. Keen interest in hacking and network security and he developed several techniques of defending and defacing websites. He's of the opinion that people should learn this art to prevent any cyber attacks. Currently Amol works as a member of 'Null International', Bangalore chapter as a network security guy. Apart from this, he has done internships at YAHOO! India, AMAZON India, etc. He has also attended various International conferences like NullCon GOA, c0c0n, ClubHack, Defcon , SecurityByte, ICFoCS, OWASP, etc.. He is certified with RHCE, LPT, CEH v7, SCJP, AFCEH. In programming he knows stuffs on C, C++, C# , JAVA (SCJP), .NET , and PHP. Additionally he knows few hardware languages like HDL, VHDL, Verilog, Embedded Micro controller Programming. He has been featured on google hall of fame. Amol was named a "India's top 10 hacker" by google. "World's top 50 hacking blog" by google.

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Friday, August 10, 2012

Introducing Google Fiber

Google Launches Fiber

In a bit of tangential news, Google has now launched its internet service in a select few cities. The upshot? Free internet plans available and the paid plans go up to a full gigabit. Color me impressed!

How Fiber Optics Work

Google Fiber: How to Get It

While it’s not entirely clear how soon this will spread around, or if at all, it’s a welcome move away from the tyranny of our current ISPs. Oh, did I mention Fiber is going to be data uncapped? I’m truly envious of the people who are indeed going to get this service first.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Installing Aircrack-ng on Ubuntu 12.04

In the process of compiling aircrack-ng from source, I hit a lot of errors mostly to do with a variable called -Werror. This is what you need to do to compile aircrack-ng without the pesky errors.

sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
wget http://download.aircrack-ng.org/aircrack-ng-1.1.tar.gz
tar -zxvf aircrack-ng-1.1.tar.gz
cd aircrack-ng-1.1

In the aircrack-ng-1.1 directory there is a file called common.mak, use your favorite editor to open the file and scroll down till you see the following line:

CFLAGS ?= -g -W -Wall -Werror -O3

Delete the -Werror variable, so that the line now looks like the following. Save and exit.

CFLAGS ?= -g -W -Wall -O3

Run make and make install to get aircrack-ng up and running.

try :
sudo make

and then :
sudo make install

Best Regards,
Amol Bhure